Sedation Dentist in Hutchinson

Sedation dentistry has been used safely for over 30 years in millions of dental procedures, and Dr. Ringer is trained in the practice of administering and monitoring several types of sedation. Our office will carefully review your medical history and explain how sedation dentistry can work for you. We want you to feel confident about your decision, and we are here to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.

Oral Conscious Sedation

On the day of your appointment, you’ll take a small pill before having a trusted friend or family member bring you to the office. After the sedative begins to work, an assistant will help you get comfortable in the dental chair and will remain by your side, monitoring you throughout the entirety of your procedure to answer your questions and look after your comfort. Many of our patients feel no pain whatsoever during and after their treatment, and they even have little or no memory of their visit to our office. Your companion will then drive you home from the appointment and when you wake the next morning, the effects of the sedative will have subsided.

Nitrous Oxide

Also known as “laughing gas,” nitrous oxide is administered through a mask that fits over the patient’s nose throughout their appointment. Within minutes of inhalation, they should begin to experience feelings of contentment, relaxation, and warmth, allowing their procedure with our Hutchinson doctors to proceed smoothly. Many patients prefer this method because the effects wear off quickly once the mask has been removed, allowing them to return to work or drive themselves home with virtually no downtime.

Contact Us Today About Sedation Dentistry

If you have been putting off years of dental work, sedation dentistry can change your life. You no longer have to be afraid of the dentist, and we know that you will enjoy the benefits of a stronger, healthier, more brilliant smile.

When you choose sedation dentistry, we can complete most of your dental patient services at one time. One of the greatest benefits of sedation dentistry is that we can do extended treatments in a couple of appointments for problems such as:

  • Whitening yellow or stained teeth
  • Fixing chipped or damaged teeth
  • Restoring sore gums to good health
  • Replacing crowns or dentures

For more information about oral sedation in Hutchinson, Kansas, contact Grant D. Ringler, DDS to speak with one of the members of our caring team. We want to make sure that you get the pain-free, stress-free dental care you deserve; it’s part of our commitment to oral health for everyone. No one should miss out on great health because of dental anxiety, so if you’re suffering with this problem, explore your sedation options from Grant D. Ringler, DDS.

Sedation Dentistry FAQs

If your anxiety sores when it’s time to visit the dentist, or you need a lengthy dental procedure, your sedation dentist in Hutchinson, Dr. Ringler, can help you sit back and relax. Sedation dentistry is a popular solution to provide comfortable dental care; however, it’s normal to have some concerns. Dr. Ringler will explain everything and address any apprehensions during your consultation. While you wait for your appointment, here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions to calm your nerves.

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Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Dental sedation is safe for patients who meet the requirements. Certain medical issues or medications can increase the risk of adverse reactions, which is why Dr. Ringler will learn more about your health history. He will choose the safest option for your needs. Generally, nitrous oxide is the safest for most patients, including children. You will be monitored closely during your appointment for your safety.

Will I Remember Anything About My Treatment?

Depending on the type of sedative used, you may have little to no memory of your appointment. You’re more likely to remember the experience if nitrous oxide is used, and your memory may be fragmented with oral conscious sedation. The memory loss effects are a great benefit for patients who are fearful of the dentist or have had a past negative experience.

Will I Feel Any Pain with Dental Sedation?

Depending on your treatment plan, Dr. Ringler may use a local numbing agency to block any pain signals during your procedure. At most, you may feel slight pressure, but you won’t have any outright pain. While you won’t feel any pain during your treatment, your mouth may be a little tender after the effects of any anesthetics or sedatives dissipate. You can manage your discomfort using an OTC pain reliever and eating soft foods. Dr. Ringler may have additional aftercare instructions based on your treatment, like limiting your physical activity.

Does Dental Sedation Make You Tell Secrets?

Contrary to videos you’ve watched online, dental sedation won’t make you spill your secrets. It is not a truth serum. However, if you should let something slip, rest assured, it will remain in the room. No matter what you say, you will be treated with the utmost respect and integrity.

Does Dental Sedation Put You to Sleep?

Although it’s often referred to as “sleep dentistry,” most dental sedatives won’t render you unconscious. Nitrous oxide allows you to reach a high level of relaxation, so you might doze off for a nap. However, you can be awakened easily. Oral conscious and IV sedation have stronger effects. While you might fall asleep, you can be awakened by sounds and touches. You can even respond to your dentist’s verbal instructions. General anesthesia will put you to sleep and is only reserved for specific situations, like patients needing oral surgery or other invasive procedures.