Leave the Sports and Energy Drinks On The Shelf


You’ve grown up hearing the same thing over and over…and over – “Sugar is bad for your teeth. Stay away.” Of course, this is great advice because it’s true. Since you’ve been a kid, grocery stores have gotten bigger and now carry aisles and aisles worth of food that is good for you and some food that isn’t so good for you. Most of the food that isn’t good for you is the sugary stuff. You know what we’re talking about. In some ways more than others, beverages that are packed with sugar can leave your mouth in bad shape after repeated use. If you’re an athlete, there are plenty of sports drinks that are meant to keep you operating at maximum efficiency. In the case of energy drinks, the whole point is to keep you alert. Unfortunately, both of these types of drinks carry loads of sugar that can wreak havoc on your oral health. Our office in Hutchinson, KS wants you to know how detrimental sports drinks and other sugary beverages can be for your oral health. Do you like cavities? No? Then it would be wise to put down the sports drink for a glass of delicious water instead. Dr. Ringler is the Hutchinson dentist you can trust for priceless dental advice.

What Makes Sports Drinks/Energy Drinks So Bad?

According to a study in the notable dental journal, General Dentistry, a tooth’s enamel is damaged after a period of just five days of continuous sports drink use. The kicker? Energy drinks caused twice as much damage as sports drinks. Think about that for just a moment – enamel is under the gun after five days. That’s a hair-raising data point. Energy drinks make sense simply because the whole point of one is to keep a person awake, so naturally the idea is to load up on sugar. Sports drinks are different in that they supplement most of the “bad” sugar for other “not so bad” sugar. It may be keeping you at peak athletic performance, but your teeth are getting caught in the crosshairs and paying dearly for it.

So, what can you do to keep your enamel protected while still being able to enjoy sports or energy drinks? Well, the first thing we’d recommend is limiting the drinking. While we understand that it’s sort of a necessity (especially for you athletes out there), it’s also important you understand how much you’re putting your teeth at risk of developing a cavity.

Rinsing out your mouth with water or chewing sugar-free gum immediately after drinking a sports or energy drink. This will keep the sugars from attaching to the front of your teeth. It’s also advised that you wait an hour at the very least to brush your teeth once you’re done drinking the beverages. Being proactive about your dental health involves following these important steps. The healthier your mouth is, the better oral health you’ll enjoy as the years go by.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to contact our friendly staff today. We’re proud to serve all of Hutchinson, KS and want to serve you, too! We invite patients from all over to come see us, including Willowbrook, Medora, Buhler, Nickerson and beyond. For the best dentist Hutchinson residents can trust, look no further than Dr. Ringler.