Your Sedation Dentist In Hutchinson Keeps You Safe & Sound


Did you know that up to 75% of Americans have some level of fear, anxiety, or worry about going to the dentist? That’s right – even stars like LeBron James and Jennifer Aniston are affected by dental anxiety. And, although this condition is remarkably common, many people allow their fears to get the best of them and avoid dental care until it’s too late. Since we’d like to prevent smile problems before they happen, your trusted sedation dentist in Hutchinson has safe, effective options to address your dental fears and phobias, and to keep you relaxed and secure during treatment. Learn more about how safe sedation dentistry is from Dr. Grant Ringler and his team.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

One of the most common questions anxious patients have about sedation treatment is, “Is it safe?” As your trusted experts in relaxation dentistry, Dr. Ringler, Dr. Melissa Barnhart, and Dr. Justin Barnhart, reassure you completely that they will keep you safe while under sedation for your dental care.

The treatment options we use are some of the most researched and highly studied forms of sedation, and we use our decades of professional expertise to ensure you’re both completely safe and totally relaxed while in our dental chairs.

What Sedation Methods Do You Offer?

At our practice, we offer three different sedation options:

  • Inhalation Sedation – The most popular and safest form of sedation, nitrous oxide or “laughing gas,” is a great option for children, or for those who have busy schedules and need to return to work or school after treatment. Simply breathe in the sweet-tasting gas, and let the medication relax you. This is a great method since it takes effect within seconds, and wears off quickly once stopped. You’ll have no “hangover” effect and be able to drive both to and from appointments.
  • Oral Sedation – With oral conscious sedation, patients take a small pill by mouth before they come into the office, and then another small dose once they arrive. This will allow you to be extremely relaxed, but not completely asleep during treatment. You’ll need to arrange for transportation to and from your appointment since the medication can impair your ability to drive. Also, we recommend that you schedule your appointment in the afternoon – this way, you’ll be able to relax as the medication wears off throughout the day. You can go back to work or school the next morning with no lingering effects.
  • General Anesthesia – If you have severe anxiety or require extensive dental treatment, we can use general anesthesia that will be administered intravenously. You’ll be completely “under,” and our dentists will monitor you attentively to make sure you’re safe while you’re asleep. Since this method uses safe, but potent medication, you’ll need someone to drive you to and from your appointment, and to keep an eye on you at home as you recover.

Who Is A Good Candidate For Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry could be right for you if you meet some of the criteria below:

  • You suffer from dental anxiety or phobias.
  • You are in generally good health.
  • You have special needs, or require care for physical or behavioral health conditions.
  • You suffer from chronic jaw pain or have TMJ.
  • You have a severe gag reflex.
  • You are resistant to local anesthetics like Lidocaine and have trouble becoming numb.
  • You need complex dental work.

If you have questions about how sedation dentistry could benefit you, or if you’ve been avoiding the superior oral healthcare you deserve due to your dental anxiety, schedule your appointment with Dr. Grant Ringler today!